by David Townsend | 56, Aug, 2007 | A circumnavigation, South Pacific Ocean
Position 18°39’338S 173°59’007W At anchor Neiafu, Vava’u Island, Kingdom of Tonga. Hi dear friends, thank you for following my journey. Here is this week’s update. Talitali fiefia (pronounced tah-lay-tah-lay fee-ay-fee-ah – meaning...
by David Townsend | 00, Aug, 2007 | A circumnavigation, South Pacific Ocean
Position 13°39’399S 157°26’050W On-route to Suwarrow Island, Cook Islands, South Pacific Ocean. Hi dear friends, thank you for following my journey. Here is this week’s update. As Pinta and her crew embark on their third year of this voyage we arrived in Bora...
by David Townsend | 00, Jul, 2007 | A circumnavigation, South Pacific Ocean
Position 17°30’78S 149°51’02W At anchor, Robinson Cove. Moorea. Hi dear friends, thank you for following my journey. Here is this week’s update. La ora na (like ‘your honor’) good morning from Tahiti and her islands. I strain my neck as I cross the...
by David Townsend | 00, May, 2007 | A circumnavigation, South Pacific Ocean
Position 08°27’894S 098°17’194W Pacific Ocean. Hi dear friends, thank you for following my journey. Here is this week’s update. The first few days out from the Galapagos Islands were as expected, very light, flaky winds. This meant a lot of hand...