by David Townsend | 00, Sep, 2007 | A circumnavigation, South Pacific Ocean
Position 19°30’490S 177°51’480W On-route to Fiji. Hi dear friends, thank you for following my journey. Here is this week’s update. After spending a few weeks cruising around the Vava’u Island group (Kingdom Of Tonga) it was time to depart and...
by David Townsend | 00, May, 2007 | A circumnavigation, South Pacific Ocean
Position 08°27’894S 098°17’194W Pacific Ocean. Hi dear friends, thank you for following my journey. Here is this week’s update. The first few days out from the Galapagos Islands were as expected, very light, flaky winds. This meant a lot of hand...
by David Townsend | 00, Jan, 2006 | A circumnavigation, South Atlantic Ocean
Position 07°55’251S 014°24’786W At anchor, Georgetown, Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean. Hi dear friends, thank you for following our journey, here is this weeks update. I am sending this out on Monday, a day late as we were invited out to an all you...