by David Townsend | 00, Sep, 2007 | A circumnavigation, South Pacific Ocean
Position 19°30’490S 177°51’480W On-route to Fiji. Hi dear friends, thank you for following my journey. Here is this week’s update. After spending a few weeks cruising around the Vava’u Island group (Kingdom Of Tonga) it was time to depart and...
by David Townsend | 56, Aug, 2007 | A circumnavigation, South Pacific Ocean
Position 18°39’338S 173°59’007W At anchor Neiafu, Vava’u Island, Kingdom of Tonga. Hi dear friends, thank you for following my journey. Here is this week’s update. Talitali fiefia (pronounced tah-lay-tah-lay fee-ay-fee-ah – meaning...