Trade winds

Position 10°43’603S 099°45’565E 184Nm north east of Christmas Island, Java Trench, Tasman Sea, Indian Ocean. Hi dear friends, thank you for following my journey. Here is this week’s update. On day twenty my health problems are ongoing as indeed as is this...

Victualing of Pinta

Position 12°27’046S 124°18’400E Off Osborn Passage, Tasman Sea, Indian Ocean. Hi dear friends, thank you for following my journey. Here is this week’s update. Open Ocean ahead. Life Onboard: The week began with the re-victual of Pinta in readiness for here...

Say goodbye

Position 34°15’970S 172°58’852E 9Nm Off North Cape, North Island, New Zealand, Tasman Sea on-route to Australia. Hi dear friends, thank you for following my journey. Here is this week’s update. It has been a very busy week here in Opua, firstly that...